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Manual cleaning system for Φ300 mm wafers with enhanced cleaning performance

The DCS1460 is used to clean workpieces that have been cut on a dicing saw. Cleaning sequences can be created easily (the cleaning arm sweep speed and cleaning locations are configurable options) for effective and efficient cleaning. In addition to the standard specification high pressure cleaning nozzle an atomizing cleaning nozzle can be selected. These two different types of cleaning nozzles can be mounted to produce a double cleaning arm configuration, making it possible to clean a wide range of workpieces with a single unit.

Product Classification

Supports a diverse range of workpieces

The DCS1460 supports Φ3- to 12-inch tape and frame. The equipment also supports square workpiecesup 310 x 310 mm as an option.


Easy operation

A 4 inch LCD touch panel enables simple operation. The software supports the cleaning operation with easy to set cleaning sequences.


Cleaning sequence setup screen
Cleaning sequence setup screen


Atomizing cleaning

Mist generated by mixing fluid droplets with blasts of air is sprayed against the cleaning surface at high speeds. The resulting shockwave and expansion wave enable strong cleaning with minimal damage. (The atomizing cleaning specification is available as an option.)


Atomizing cleaning





*Product appearance, features, specifications, and other details may change due to technical modifications.
*Please read the standard specification sheet thoroughly before use.